“Being a Bright Scholar means being part of a family that is selfless and giving, and which strives to provide a better future for today’s youth who, in turn, will contribute to society.”
“I want to personally thank the Bright Foundation for this year. I would not be nearly as successful without their financial support. I come from an incredibly humble background and the financial stability they have given me in the form of this scholarship has allowed me to commit my highest potential to my classwork. They are the reason I am the student I am today. I have tried to carry the Bright Foundation’s values close to my heart this academic year. I worked extremely hard and devoted much of my outside time to volunteer work. I cannot put into works how grateful I am for the opportunities this foundation has given me. They have laid the groundwork for all of my current and future success. I plan to celebrate these values, and this foundation for the rest of my life.”
“I am beyond grateful for the opportunities this scholarship has opened up for me. Many doors closed right in front of me, and the Bright Foundation opened up a door of hope for my future. I sometimes think I am dreaming and soon realize this is really happening. I am the first one in my family to attend a University. I can not put into words how much of a blessing this has been not only for me but for my family! I will forever be thankful.”
“I cannot even begin to properly thank or even put into words how much this foundation has helped put me on an amazing path to reach and accomplish my dreams. Ever since I was seven years old, I have wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to be able to help people, to make sick people better, to be a healer, and to learn and grow to the fullest of my abilities. Because of the Bright scholarship, these dreams and goals are closer within reach. I am achieving success in ways I never thought were possible. My dreams may have been to help others and learn as much as I possibly can, but this foundation has helped me and given me the chance to do the things I love, to push myself, learn, and experience the joy of hard work and success. This scholarship inspired me to help others as well. Currently, I am pursuing a research opportunity with Dr. Mario Ascoli, Carver College of Medicine, to help with work on finding cures for infertility. I am also in the beginning stages of recruitment for alpha Kappa Delta Phi sorority! A lot of things have been going on for me, but none of this would be possible without the Bright Foundation. This foundation gave me the blessing of not having to be stressed, financial security, the ability to reach my goals, but most importantly, faith in myself to do what I love best, so again, thank you.”
“I would like to take this time to thank you for your contribution towards the scholarship I have been granted through Indian Hills Community College. I will be attending Indian Hills with a major in psychology. I then plan to transfer to a four-year college and potentially graduate school after that to continue my education. Thank you again for your contribution and the endless possibilities you have given me!”
“I would like to thank you for your contribution. Without your help, it would be difficult to attend college and pursue my dream career of being a veterinarian. I am extremely honored and hope to give back to foundations like this one day.”