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UNI Bright Scholars Welcome New Cohort to Campus

UNI Bright Scholars Welcome New Cohort to Campus

First-year UNI Bright Schol­ars gath­ered for a social­ly-dis­tanced wel­come pic­nic at the begin­ning of the fall 2020 semester. 

Pic­tured are all six new schol­ars as well as three upper-lev­el Bright Schol­ars who vol­un­teered to serve as men­tors through­out the com­ing years enjoyed a catered lunch and the beau­ti­ful weather. 

The event was one to remem­ber as lots of laughs were had, dreams were shared, and friend­ships were made.  The event was orga­nized by Kylie Knecht, Hon­ors and Schol­ars Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor at UNI.