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Advice for Scholars from the Board

Topic: Interviewing and Networking

Our Bright Foun­da­tion board mem­bers give advice to schol­ars on inter­view­ing and net­work­ing! We strive to sup­port schol­ars as they nav­i­gate through col­lege, acknowl­edg­ing that edu­ca­tion goes beyond what hap­pens in the classroom. 

What are some tips for interviewing and/or networking you think are important for students as they are in college and preparing to launch their careers?

With texts, zoom, email, etc., remem­ber NOTH­ING ulti­mate­ly replaces the abil­i­ty to inter­act face to face. Dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, this is eas­i­er said than done. With that being said, use every oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­mu­ni­cate in per­son, rather than through oth­er media. It will serve you extreme­ly well in the long term. — Tom Press

An inter­view is not the time to be hum­ble. Do your home­work about the com­pa­ny and make sure your answers show this. Denote and share your trans­fer­able skills that can match the needs of a per­spec­tive employ­er, what­ev­er the job. — Jeff Fleming

Be open to meet­ing peo­ple and new rela­tion­ships. Your net­work should grow your entire life. Rela­tion­ships are like mon­ey in the bank, an invest­ment that grows and can be drawn on. — Jer­ry Deegan

Look for intern­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties or jobs that align with your major. Intern­ships often lead to job offers after col­lege. Depend­ing on the major, intern­ships might be eas­i­er to find in your sopho­more to Junior or Junior to Senior year of col­lege. — Sta­cy Wanderscheid