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Bright Values: Give Back

What Giving Back Means to the Foundation

Giv­ing back was impor­tant to our founders, the late Lois and Dale Bright, and they gave to a vari­ety of caus­es over the years. Today, the Bright Foun­da­tion funds col­lege schol­ar­ships with the goal that recip­i­ents will grad­u­ate on-time, debt-free, pre­pared to launch their careers and give back in some way. 

Schol­ar­ship recip­i­ents give back in a vari­ety of ways through­out their col­lege expe­ri­ences, some­times direct­ly to us, to oth­er schol­ars, and to the larg­er com­mu­ni­ty. By shar­ing their expe­ri­ences with us, we learn from them and are able to take their input into account for pro­gram improve­ment and refine­ment to best meet their needs. By con­nect­ing with each oth­er, schol­ars learn from each other’s expe­ri­ences and dis­cov­er new resources and oppor­tu­ni­ties. By shar­ing their time and tal­ents with­in the com­mu­ni­ty, they give back through avenues impor­tant to them and in turn make the world a bet­ter place.