Alumni Spotlight: Sally Howard
Iowa State Uniersity Alumni of 2020

“This scholarship allowed me to accept admission to veterinary school without the accruing interest of undergraduate loans that probably would have prevented me from pursuing my life long goal of becoming a veterinarian.”
Current position (if employed): Veterinary student
Current city: Ames, Iowa
How did the Bright Scholarship benefit you throughout college and after?
The scholarship allowed me to work various positions and focus on developing my skills and experience, rather than worrying about making rent for the month. It also allowed me to prioritize my mental and physical health, which I would not have been able to do if I was independently financing my education.
What opportunities or experiences have you been able to take part in that you might not have been able to without the scholarship?
I was able to work as a necropsy technician at the veterinary school, which was a big resume booster for me in the vet school application process. This experience also led me to pathology, my current field of interest. I was also able to become an active member in Veterinarians Without Borders and travel to Costa Rica to help provide veterinary care to underserved rural communities.
What is your best piece of advice for an incoming college freshman? What is your best piece of advice for a graduating college student?
My best advice for a freshman is keep an open mind as much as possible. Moving away to college is a time when you will learn a lot about yourself; don’t forget to take risks and try new things.
My advice for graduating seniors is to remember the other things you enjoy outside of school and work, and don’t forget to prioritize these interests when you are making your big decisions.
Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
My biggest inspirations are my two older sisters. We have all had unique experiences as first-generation college graduates, but even with our different paths, they have shown me that success is attainable and that creating a fulfilling life is worth dedicating yourself to.
What’s a fun fact we should know about you?
I have a box turtle named Rosie. We don’t know her age for sure because she was a rescue, but she is probably about as old as me. She has a leash and loves going to the park.

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